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canada goose outlet “It’s 133 in the script,” says the woman, who is calling from St. George, Utah. “It’s 33 on the road signs,” I reply. Take the example of President Yahya Jammeh of The Gambia, whose recent threats to fight homosexuals “the same way we are fighting malaria causing mosquitoes, if not more aggressively,” make for chilling reading, effectively calling for the extermination of LGBT people. Unhappily for those of us who profess the Christian faith, much of this extreme homophobia is fed by Christian congregations and individuals, particularly from US evangelical churches who have launched missions to places like Uganda with the often specific purpose of targeting those countries’ already beleaguered LGBT communities, a bitter irony which proves that it’s homophobia that is the foreign import, not homosexuality, as is so often proposed by those behind the persecutions in Africa and elsewhere. Catholic people everywhere should be warned against the cruel vanity of homophobia; those who promote laws criminalizing same sex sexual conduct and all the evils that flow thereby, and churchmen who support them should be censured; the compassion of the Church, which is its greatest and most beautiful asset, should not be watered down with vague statements and wait and see policies canada goose outlet.